Original Post — Direct link
It is your fault for doing pvp in a game like this. I mean when you saw Easy cheat you should have just LOL and never try to do pvp.

I mean this dev team can't even balance pvp right. PVP is a joke in this game, and will always be. Just let the cheaters fight each other.
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Saiyan - Direct link
If you're coming across players who are clearly using hacks or other exploits please send any video footage you have to https://support.ubi.com so the technical support team can look into it.
almost 6 years ago - UbiInsulin - Direct link
Hey all, please open a ticket with https://support.ubi.com if you have video footage of suspicious behavior in the game. Our forum actually has rules against "naming and shaming," so publicly sharing videos of suspected cheating here is generally not allowed.

If you, for example, know an exploit that you'd like to share with the team: I highly recommend PMing a Ubi Community person with an unlisted Youtube video. Showing cheating methods in a public thread is also a no-go as this simply spreads a way to cheat, but we're happy to report any exploits to the team so they can quickly investigate.

Thanks everyone for your vigilance! Keeping TD2 fair is a huge priority.