Original Post — Direct link

Hello there is a Bug / Exploit in connection with the double XP Event

  • Depending Hardcore and Softcore Mode

Starting a Session on Softcore and doing something that gives you XP, for example doing a kill. You´ll get for example 3200 XP on Softcore ! Dont complete the full 700.000 XP

Now changing to Hardcore you´ll see your XP will be another count as on your Softcore Char. For example 2421 XP, this will make that on your Hardcore Char the XP never reaches the 700.000 XP so you never will reach the 15 level counting on the double XP Event.

Consequently you can farm double XP inifinite until the event is ending.

Please fix that unfair Farming method


over 1 year ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hi @Hardcore_1000!

Apologies for the delay getting back to your post!

To clarify, is this happening in specific modes? And is this able to be done on all platforms or only specific ones? Any further clarification you can provide would be appreciated so I can make sure this is something the team looks into!

over 1 year ago - Ubi-Dastan - Direct link

Hello everyone! 
I would like to apologize for the delayed response! I very much appreciate for all the input you all have provided into this thread regarding this topic. What I am able to confirm is that we are forwarding all the information we have received from you to the developers for further review. 
I just would like to remind you to be respectful to each other. I will therefore, lock this thread. Should there be any updates regarding this, it will be announced under the announcement / Patch note section.
Should you have other queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us!