I was just wanting a Dev or Someone in Charge to Verify if the Expertise XP you get from Supposedly Repeating the Final part of the Tombs mission is a Glitch or if it's okay for Everyone to do it? I have been hearing your Division 2 Content Creators talking about how to do it on their Streams... So it must be okay, right??? I have never used a Glitch/Exploit in this Game with my 4200+hrs Playtime, but with the way people are Bragging about getting to lvl 30 Expertise (I guess I'm doing it the Slow way, because I'm only lvl 7 Expertise...) and most getting their Armor up to 20% Armor each piece and 20% Weapon Damage (I guess it takes a lot of resources to get from lvl 20 to lvl 30..? ***shrug***). I want to get mine done Quick like they did, so I can feel some modicum of Power as a Solo Agent against All of DC & NY!
I really don't like things like this but if it's Okay with the Dev's and 'Powers that be' and as long as everyone can do it because it's just a 'Normal Game Mechanic', I might look into this... Because the Rate I have been going and trying to level my Expertise is SOOOOOO Slow!! Not to mention farming all the Components all the time to level my gear... come on... It's Insane! I Only have 1 full loadout at lvl 7 ... I can't afford to level all my loadouts/gear (at least the pieces I have gotten Proficient with...) I mean Come On, Man ... geesh!