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I was just wanting a Dev or Someone in Charge to Verify if the Expertise XP you get from Supposedly Repeating the Final part of the Tombs mission is a Glitch or if it's okay for Everyone to do it? I have been hearing your Division 2 Content Creators talking about how to do it on their Streams... So it must be okay, right??? I have never used a Glitch/Exploit in this Game with my 4200+hrs Playtime, but with the way people are Bragging about getting to lvl 30 Expertise (I guess I'm doing it the Slow way, because I'm only lvl 7 Expertise...) and most getting their Armor up to 20% Armor each piece and 20% Weapon Damage (I guess it takes a lot of resources to get from lvl 20 to lvl 30..? ***shrug***). I want to get mine done Quick like they did, so I can feel some modicum of Power as a Solo Agent against All of DC & NY!

I really don't like things like this but if it's Okay with the Dev's and 'Powers that be' and as long as everyone can do it because it's just a 'Normal Game Mechanic', I might look into this... Because the Rate I have been going and trying to level my Expertise is SOOOOOO Slow!! Not to mention farming all the Components all the time to level my gear... come on... It's Insane! I Only have 1 full loadout at lvl 7 ... I can't afford to level all my loadouts/gear (at least the pieces I have gotten Proficient with...) I mean Come On, Man ... geesh!

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Gizmo - Direct link

Hey there @mlg_totenstille, thanks for taking the time to get in touch. I understand that you'd like to know if repeating the final part of the Tombs mission for Expertise XP would be classed as an exploit or not. I have gone ahead and forwarded this over to our development team so that they can investigate it further.

Once I have some more information available, it will be posted below. If you have any questions or run into any other issues, please do not hesitate to reach back out.Β πŸ™‚

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Nacho - Direct link

Hi there @MLG_Totenstille

Thanks again for your patience while the team address this exploit. Regrettably, this isn't intended, despite others promoting the use of this exploit. The game team is actively investigating and monitoring the situation. If you're ever unsure, we advise players follow our code of conduct:

Have fun and play fair. Let your skills alone take you to the top. All players are created equal. Anything aimed at gaining an unfair advantage disrupts the balance of our games and is damaging to our communities.

- Play fair and encourage others to do so.
- Call out cheating and help us foster fair play by using our reporting features

- Cheat! Buying, making, distributing or promoting cheats for our games ruins the experience for all, even you.
-Abuse exploits or glitches to gain an unfair advantage.

If you'd like to read our full code of conduct, it can be found here!

Apologies if this is not the response you were hoping for, we can certainly pass on feedback in regard to the expertise/level rate. Let us know if there's anything else we can help you with!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Thank you to everyone on this thread for sharing your thoughts on this exploit, this is something we are hoping to patch in a later update but I am unable to give an ETA of when that update will be, thank you for bringing this to our attention.