Original Post — Direct link
Thanks Ubisoft for completely and utterly ruining my love for For Honor, by not fixing the No Rewards issue, witch leaves me dependend on this joke called Arcade, with like 1 piece of gear after 3 matches, or 15 minutes of playtime.

Thanks for not responding anymore at all to our posts about that fact we cannot complete any orders, we don't get any of the rewards for community orders, we are missing out on all the limited-time weapons.

Thanks for leaving me only Arcade as playable wich was always a bad joke, i mean 45 troops for a, for me, impossibly hard quest, wich takes me like 20 min. and two controllers to finnish, only giving me one piece of event-gear i've already had like 3 times.

Thanks for collecting 200 hard earned euro, and not let me play the game anymore.

Thank you very much for not even responding anymore to these No Rewards issue threads anymore. Very costumer friendly behaviour indeed.

Thank you for frustating me so much that i'm about to break my FH disc.

Thank you for making arcade as frustrating as you posibly could, difficulty and rewards-wise.
You should be proud of yourself, no really, you take the cake.

Thank you for reading.
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
A reminder that the forums are a place for constructive critique and criticism of the game, not a place for slinging mockery and insults at each other. If those parameters cannot be met, the thread will be closed. Thank you.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link
I am sorry to hear that you have been experiencing issues with your rewards in For Honor.

I can confirm there are two known issues with regards to rewards.

There is an issue where players are not receiving event rewards. This is currently being investigated and we would recommend players to contact support on one of the following channels:

Support Ticket
Live Chat

We would also require the following information when you contact support on one of those channels:

- The event you participated in
- Which Faction you are a part of
- Date/time of occurrence
- Game mode you played
- Matchmaking solo or with a party

The second issue is receiving a notification confirming that your rewards will be granted to your later, rest assured you will still receive them. However if you have not received a notification or don't receive your rewards later then please follow the connectivity troubleshooting steps if you haven't already done so and try again to see if that helps. However if that does not help please contact support on one of the support channels above and provide a screenshot of your forwarded ports so they can investigate further.

With regards to not responding to any of your previous posts I do apologise, we are currently receiving a high volume of contacts recently due to the recent game releases and with the launch of Ubisoft Connect, therefore it may take us longer than usual to respond.

I'm unsure that what you said previously was just an expression, however you have given us some concerns for your safety. We take threats of self-harm seriously and in some cases the local authorities would be contacted.

We strongly recommend that you make contact with someone or an organisation that can offer you the appropriate advice for your situation if you are feeling the way.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link
Originally Posted by SmoothSeparator
Apologies excepted, and yes it's just an expression, i'm just frustrated with this game right now, sorry.
I'm pleased to hear that and I can understand your frustration.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link
Originally Posted by Bellicose1776
There was actually three known issues, though all are somewhat similar. One got fixed, that was for PC Players and some Xbox players not receiving ANY rewards in the Rescue 2 special event game mode only (all other modes unaffected). That was fixed late on 12NOV20. There's still TWO other known issues (for two separate types of players) which both involve NO REWARDS for Event loot, regular gear, XP, steel, Battlepass Progression, Order completions, and wasted Champ Status days.

This does not need the event name, but the start date of the problem because the currently existing problems don't end or start with the events. You failed to include the two most important questions:

1. If on console, is the paid service active or inactive (PS Plus/Xbox Live Gold)?

2. What country is the player from? All players from sanctioned countries like Iran and Crimea are affected, regardless of platform (PC too). Not only is this a country IP issue and they need a VPN to change location, but then they also need an active paid service if on console (Double problem, hence the two separate issues part. Fixing one doesn't fix the other).

This is absolutely an utterly FALSE statement by you. Those rewards are NOT recoverable for those two types of players described in the two questions above. Curious how I know? Because I can reproduce the results and implement a fix. This is NOT a connection issue on the players' side. This particular player you're responding to has an inactive PS Plus account. He will not be receiving four weeks worth of rewards if he activated it.

Here's a video demonstrating the problem on console. I can also replicate the Sanctioned Countries portion by using a VPN to change my location to one of them. https://youtu.be/HHB2BAERQwo

That is not the reason why this particular problem has been ignored and hasn't been addressed on all For Honor social media sites, official websites, and on here. Those Ubisoft Support issues don't affect the Community Managers or Representatives from responding. The real issue being is that the problem is on Ubisoft's end, caused by the Global Infrastructure Maintenance on 20OCT20. Four weeks later with no official response or acknowledgement means the problem can't be fixed or there's some other issue regarding policy (Sanctioned countries, Ubisoft Connect, Inactive paid services, etc.). Either way, it's a horrible look on Ubisoft's part to both ignore these players and to not have fixed an easily identifiable problem (I did), these players deserve better.

What you have said, though mostly wrong, has been the first statements by a Ubisoft employee about this problem in weeks (though none addressed the causes and those affected outlined by me). For that, thank you.

Thank you for the detailed description of the issue, I will be sure to pass this onto the For Honor team.
about 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
You can appeal the ban through our Support team if you feel it was unjustified.