Original Post — Direct link

The game feels super laggy and delayed today in The Summit. Dead enemies teleporting, Memento backpack pickup effect delayed, reload animations feel longer somehow, damaging enemies and healthbar feedback feels delayed, explosions of shot explosive barrels is delayed, picking up loot feels less responsive, enemy drone launching animation (via hand motion) looks glitched out, door opening animation is delayed, enemy technician explosive drone explosion delayed on being shot etc., what's going on?!

Could someone else confirm?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Akatsirin - Direct link

Hey everyone!

Checking in to see if you're still experiencing lag issues?

Thanks Otter for providing more info!

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Perseids - Direct link

@GingeFox Hey! Just a note that the team is aware of the lag and latency issues occurring lately. I wanted to make you aware of a recent Twitter post the team shared so that everyone is kept up-to-date:
