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Just attempted to raid with clan mates and for everyone, same thing happened. Reviver hive did get cancelled every time while reviving an agent. You can use your reviver hive to help up another agent, but it won´t revive yourself up. It needs to load 4 times until you get back up, but it will only load to 50% and then gets immediately cancelled. We attempted to do IH raid. Kind of afraid to even log in to Hardcore at this point. What is going on?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Saku_Ice

While we appreciate the video you've sent, we'll need one with a bit more visual clarity before I can report this up for you. I would recommend using the Xbox Game Bar to manually record a shorter clip showing this behavior in-game. Once you have the video please upload it to YouTube and send me a link to it in this thread.

Also @MasonLongSword, if you can record a video as well, multiple examples will be extremely helpful when I make a report on the issue!

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there guys,

Thanks for your continued reports and thank you for your video @HDJOSS, appreciate it!

I've gone ahead and raised this to the game team, but if the rest of you are able to provide videos too, it'd be appreciated as the more examples we can gather the better!

In the meantime, we'll let you know as and when we hear more from the team.

Thank you!