almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Thank you @Aldur2309 and @MysticExile111 for answering my questions and providing replication steps - I've passed this on to our QA's investigation - thanks again for all the help, I hope we can resolve the issues with these Manhunts and missing keys/audio logs as soon as possible as I can imagine it being very dishearting after completing these manhunts not to receive your rewards you should have earned

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hi @KassielOs and @Torthak !

Sorry to hear you are also experiencing this! I've forwarded your reports to our developers to aid them with the investigation.

If possible, could you please also record a short video online and share a link with us? It would be of great help, thanks!