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I never seen any other weapon talents getting blocked by disruption so this must be a bug right?
The exploding charge seems to be working even when disrupted but the protection charge seems to be bugged. Not sure why no one is talking about this in any other community but i guess it's because most people uses it on the raid with 100% resistance tanking build so people don't really notice it maybe?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-DeskLamp - Direct link

Heya @wipie_chocopie!

Since I'm not seeing any other reports of this, do you mind running through our basic troubleshooting real quick?

Also, can you please double-check to see if any of your friends or clanmates can reproduce this on their end?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-DeskLamp - Direct link

@wipie_chocopie Thanks!

In that case, would you mind getting me some images or a video showing the bug so that I can send it up the chain?

And if any of your clanmates or friends would like to add their own images or videos of the issue to this thread as well, that'd be really helpful! 🙂

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Clem - Direct link

Hello @wipie_chocopie

Thank you for providing this video showing the issue within the game.

I have forwarded this to the dedicated dev team, so they will have a look in a near future.

Thank you for your cooperation on this! 😊