Original Post — Direct link

After these frigging idiotic crashes just a few minutes ago, I got back into game and now I log in and I noticed a crapload of messages about equipment being added to my lockbox. I noticed that all of these items are items I have already had LONG TIME AGO....this stuff is apparel stuff from the look of it....what is going on here? Is the game breaking now? Why is stuff you already have having to be reloaded to my character when it should be already in the game????? I have it in both the Grants and Special Deliveries - all items look like they were stuff I have already had but all of them appear with the new ! icon attached....I do not understand what is going on here and why the game is doing this.

over 3 years ago - UbiMint - Direct link

Hey again @khaelon!

After reading your previous post regarding the disconnects you experienced, this notification issue could have occurred due to that. Are you saying that you have duplicate items now, or are the items just showing as new?

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link


I'm glad to hear that. Hopefully this was a one off occurrence but if this issue does return please let us know. Thanks.