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I finished the manhunt and got the Doctor Home, also grabbed the blueprint for the rifle.

I went and did the SHD project on my third agent and got the exotic Doctor Home. I figured at this time I only need one so I deconstructed it.

Big mistake. After I deconstructed it, I Didn't Receive Any Exotic Component. Bug?

Thought I'd warn everyone.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hey @ShrewdGaming and @Havoch117!

I'm really sorry about the delay getting back to you guys about this issue but thank you for bringing it up! I'm getting this reported for further review but I would like a bit more information just to clarify some things.

@ShrewdGaming you mentioned having the blueprint, is this still available to you at this time or have you run into issues with that as well?

And have either of you run into this issue with any other deconstructed items recently, or just The Doctor Home so far? If you've encountered it with anything else, please let me know!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @MCP-511, thank you for letting us know! I got your information added to our investigation. For now, I would recommend not descontructing any Doctor Home guns until we can hear back from the Team about whether this is an intended behavior or not. This will make sure you don't miss out on any valuable components if it happens to be something that will get fixed.

And thank you for the screenshot @ShrewdGaming, I've added your info and that screenshot to the investigation as well.