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While I was playing the last Coney Island Mission and manage to kill the last target/boss, I was disconnected when playing the cinematic. Then after I logged in again, the task to eliminate the target didn't disappear, and the mission area still appear on the map. There was one player in my group and he froze, didn't move at all or reply to my chat. So I waited for 30 minutes, and nothing happened. Then I tried to log out and log in again. My team was gone and I had to restart the whole mission FROM the START.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Perseids - Direct link

@zaki2010 Hi there, and welcome to Discussions!

I'm sorry to hear that this happened and you had to restart the whole Coney Island mission over again. 😞 When you were disconnected, did you notice any error codes in particular? Did the game crash to the desktop? If the game crashed, we are aware of issues with this and are currently investigating. You can always try the troubleshooting steps here and see if they help with the issue in the meantime.

If you're experiencing connectivity issues instead of crashes, I'd recommend going through the steps here as well. These steps will help make sure you have the best connection to the servers and should help if you are being disconnected from the game a lot.

Please let me know if you have any other questions, or if you continue to experience issues with the game. Thank you! 🙂

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @Zaki2010 thanks for your reply!

I am sorry you disconnected from the game and the game did not record your progress. This will have been because the game did not have time to sync your progress in this mission when the crash and disconnect occurred. I apologize this happened to you, we can only advise connection troubleshooting to help prevent this from happening again, obviously, we are unable to restore this type of progress for players if it doesn't synchronize with our servers, so all I can do in this situation is apologize that this happened to you and for any inconvenience.