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I bought 150 pistols on my NY runner and couldn't press "Mark all as junk" anymore.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @DutchLMB4ever!

Sorry to see you're running into an issue with a loot management feature.

When you say that you could not press "Mark all as junk" do you mean that the button to do it no longer exists, or did using the input for it not do anything? If the button preview that lists that option no longer exists, please take a screenshot for me and post it in this thread.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey guys,

Thanks for your updates!

Just to confirm this has already been raised to the team who are investigating.

We don't have any further information available at this time, but please watch the News and Announcements channel for details when they're available.

Thank you!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @skull980DNE

The option to deconstruct everything you have marked as junk is a separate button in The Division 2. The option to do that should be under the deconstruct "Options" when looking at your inventory. If you look there, are you able to find the button to deconstruct all junk items?

If you can't see it, take a screenshot of what you see there.