over 4 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link
Please Note: This list is not exhaustive and may not include all issues present in the current build.

Title Update 12
  • When purchasing Apparel Cache keys, the number on the screen displays the ones currently owned instead of the ones about to be purchased.
  • "Tend and Befriend" 4 pieces bonus is not calculated from the current skill tier damage.
  • When equipping the Hawk Face Mask, parts of the agent’s face can clip through it.
  • When active, Tend and Befriend incorrectly displays the same icon as Kinetic Momentum.

Title Update 11
  • The Total Discharge's Pulse along with the exposure icons do not show when performing a cover-to-cover action near hostiles.
  • The "Combat Booster" talent buffs from the "Memento" exotic backpack will not trigger if a combat booster was picked up without the backpack equipped.
  • Global directives don't work if the session owner disconnects, the new party leader starts a mission with directives and after they give the lead back to the session owner to set the directives globally.
  • The player remains behind the shutter door if he rolls backwards when the "Gather with your team" timer reaches zero.
  • Loot tables are incorrect for containers in Legendary missions.
  • The Memento's long-term buff disappears and will not reappear again after reaching max stacks.
    • This is a UI bug, the buff is still active, but is not reflected on the UI.

  • After Gray is killed, any Shield Militia NPCs that are not dead stand around and become unresponsive.
  • Loot cannot be found after the player signs out/in or quits the game during the "prevent furnace explosion" timer after the boss is killed.
  • Raid level doesn't change if a Level 40 player joins a session where all agents are Level 30.
  • The train's cannon will disappear if the Raid group quits during Captain Freiser encounter.
  • The doors close in front of the agent if they step out of the room in the last moment during the "Wait for the other agents" timer.

The Summit
  • The lighting in certain areas of the Summit is too dark.
  • The UI does not update when the player gets disconnected and respawn at the start of the section he was playing in The Summit.
  • Doors sometimes do not open while players stay idle during the whole encounter at certain locations.
  • Players can drop down from a ledge and get stuck between the floors of the elevator at certain locations.
  • Players can remain stuck inside a Server Rack when dropping down from it while moving backwards at certain locations.

Season 3
  • Deployed skills becoming invisible.
  • Players equipped mods are unexpectedly changing attribute or function.
  • The Depart button does not work properly after killing Bardon Schaeffer when playing solo.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link
Please Note: This list is not exhaustive and may not include all issues present in the current build.

Title Update 12
  • When purchasing Apparel Cache keys, the number on the screen displays the ones currently owned instead of the ones about to be purchased.
  • "Tend and Befriend" 4 pieces bonus is not calculated from the current skill tier damage.
  • When equipping the Hawk Face Mask, parts of the agent’s face can clip through it.
  • When active, Tend and Befriend incorrectly displays the same icon as Kinetic Momentum.

Title Update 11
  • The Total Discharge's Pulse along with the exposure icons do not show when performing a cover-to-cover action near hostiles.
  • The "Combat Booster" talent buffs from the "Memento" exotic backpack will not trigger if a combat booster was picked up without the backpack equipped.
  • Global directives don't work if the session owner disconnects, the new party leader starts a mission with directives and after they give the lead back to the session owner to set the directives globally.
  • The player remains behind the shutter door if he rolls backwards when the "Gather with your team" timer reaches zero.
  • Loot tables are incorrect for containers in Legendary missions.
  • The Memento's long-term buff disappears and will not reappear again after reaching max stacks.
    • This is a UI bug, the buff is still active, but is not reflected on the UI.

  • After Gray is killed, any Shield Militia NPCs that are not dead stand around and become unresponsive.
  • Loot cannot be found after the player signs out/in or quits the game during the "prevent furnace explosion" timer after the boss is killed.
  • Raid level doesn't change if a Level 40 player joins a session where all agents are Level 30.
  • The train's cannon will disappear if the Raid group quits during Captain Freiser encounter.
  • The doors close in front of the agent if they step out of the room in the last moment during the "Wait for the other agents" timer.

The Summit
  • The lighting in certain areas of the Summit is too dark.
  • The UI does not update when the player gets disconnected and respawn at the start of the section he was playing in The Summit.
  • Doors sometimes do not open while players stay idle during the whole encounter at certain locations.
  • Players can drop down from a ledge and get stuck between the floors of the elevator at certain locations.
  • Players can remain stuck inside a Server Rack when dropping down from it while moving backwards at certain locations.

Season 3
  • Deployed skills becoming invisible.
  • Players equipped mods are unexpectedly changing attribute or function.
  • The Depart button does not work properly after killing Bardon Schaeffer when playing solo.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link
  • Fixed an issue where players could not complete the Stranded Tanker mission and progression was blocked.
  • Fixed an issue where progression to unlock the Ridgeway's Pride exotic in The Summit currently did not work.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link
  • Fixed an issue where players could not complete the Stranded Tanker mission and progression was blocked.
  • Fixed an issue where progression to unlock the Ridgeway's Pride exotic in The Summit currently did not work.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Manhunt cutscene to play on a loop.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the SHD level from appearing on Keener's Watch in the inventory screen.
  • Fixed an issue with the Pistolero Directive that caused agents to stay at 0 ammo when entering the DZ from a checkpoint.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some recalibrated weapons to show 16.1% Weapon Damage.
  • Fixed an issue that made the inventory screen invisible for some players.
  • Fixed an issue that caused control point alert level indicators to not appear on the global map.
  • Fixed incorrect PVP shield damage modifiers for Crusader, Reflector, and Striker variants.
    • They will now take appropriate damage in PVP.

*with Maintenance 29th of September.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Manhunt cutscene to play on a loop.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the SHD level from appearing on Keener's Watch in the inventory screen.
  • Fixed an issue with the Pistolero Directive that caused agents to stay at 0 ammo when entering the DZ from a checkpoint.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some recalibrated weapons to show 16.1% Weapon Damage.
  • Fixed an issue that made the inventory screen invisible for some players.
  • Fixed an issue that caused control point alert level indicators to not appear on the global map.
  • Fixed incorrect PVP shield damage modifiers for Crusader, Reflector, and Striker variants.
    • They will now take appropriate damage in PVP.

*with Maintenance 29th of September.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link

  • Fixed an issue allowing stacking the Apex Predator buff by re-equipping different pieces of the Hunter's Fury set.
  • Updated the text of the Unwavering SMG talent description to properly reflect its functionality.
  • Fixed an issue that could allow players to go rogue without being marked properly.

*with Maintenance 6th of October.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link

  • Fixed an issue allowing stacking the Apex Predator buff by re-equipping different pieces of the Hunter's Fury set.
  • Updated the text of the Unwavering SMG talent description to properly reflect its functionality.
  • Fixed an issue that could allow players to go rogue without being marked properly.

*with Maintenance 6th of October.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link

  • Fixed an issue where players received a Delta-01 error when loading certain characters.
  • Fixed an issue causing suicide drones to not target player skills.

*with the October 27th Maintenance.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link

  • Fixed an issue where players received a Delta-01 error when loading certain characters.
  • Fixed an issue causing suicide drones to not target player skills.

*with the October 27th Maintenance.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link

  • Fixed an issue where Control Point supply rooms would remain locked after killing Rogue Agents in the activity.
  • Fixed an issue where certain floors in The Summit would have missing objectives or inoperable elevators.
  • Fixed an issue where Recalibrating Attributes onto lower gear-score items would also downgrade the recalibrated value.
  • Fixed an issue where the Rate of Fire attribute in the Recalibration Station did not appear at its proper maximum.

*with the November 3rd Maintenance.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link

  • Fixed an issue where Control Point supply rooms would remain locked after killing Rogue Agents in the activity.
  • Fixed an issue where certain floors in The Summit would have missing objectives or inoperable elevators.
  • Fixed an issue where Recalibrating Attributes onto lower gear-score items would also downgrade the recalibrated value.
  • Fixed an issue where the Rate of Fire attribute in the Recalibration Station did not appear at its proper maximum.

*with the November 3rd Maintenance.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link

  • Fixed an issue causing no UI elements for the Manhunt to be present in the Menu or Megamap whilst inside The Summit.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to not receive apparel event keys after the specified required level-ups.

*with the December 8th maintenance.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link

  • Fixed an issue causing no UI elements for the Manhunt to be present in the Menu or Megamap whilst inside The Summit.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to not receive apparel event keys after the specified required level-ups.

*with the December 8th maintenance.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link

  • Fixed an issue where the Memento Exotic backpack could gain Kill Confirmed talent stacks whenever certain skills explode, even without kills.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get Memento stacks/power ups from destroying their own skills.
  • Fixed an issue where named Empress International gear pieces could drop at Superior (purple) quality.
  • Fixed an issue where players incorrectly received a Global Event Star when leveling up.
  • Fixed an issue where deconstructing pieces of the Rigger Gear Set did not yield materials

*with the December 15th maintenance.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link

  • Fixed an issue where activated Directives would grant improper XP while in the Dark Zone.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Vanguard talent to make shields permanently invulnerable for all allies.

*with the December 22nd maintenance.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link

  • Fixed an issue where the Memento Exotic backpack could gain Kill Confirmed talent stacks whenever certain skills explode, even without kills.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get Memento stacks/power ups from destroying their own skills.
  • Fixed an issue where named Empress International gear pieces could drop at Superior (purple) quality.
  • Fixed an issue where players incorrectly received a Global Event Star when leveling up.
  • Fixed an issue where deconstructing pieces of the Rigger Gear Set did not yield materials

*with the December 15th maintenance.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link

  • Fixed an issue where activated Directives would grant improper XP while in the Dark Zone.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Vanguard talent to make shields permanently invulnerable for all allies.

*with the December 22nd maintenance.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link

  • Fixed issue where gear sets would not correctly display which talents were required to be active for their chest and backpack talents to activate.
  • Fixed issue where Rigger would sometime refresh Tend and Befriend incorrectly.
  • Fixed issue where Memento Kill Confirmed drops could come from friendly skills.
  • Fixed an issue where Memento buffs could last beyond death. Which was both grim and ironic.
  • Fixed issue where directives in the LZ could multiply experience earned in the DZ.
  • Fixed and issue where Legendary Black Tusk would not count as "Black Tusk" for objectives in Leagues and Summit Challenges.
  • Removed objectives for the Skill Demotions Summit Challenge which referred to the Firestarter Chem Launcher and the Shrapnel Trap. The objectives were misbehaving and have been put in timeout.
  • Fixed issue where Vanguard and Perfect Vanguard granted their invulnerability to allies.
  • Fixed issue where Summit Combat Merit Commendation would display unusually in the Commendations menu.
  • Fixed issue where Merciless and Ruthless exotics would trigger a cosmetic explosion on the seventh stack in addition to really exploding on the first shot after.
  • Fixed issue where Decoy Skill would not refresh correctly if it was deployed when getting a headshot kill with the Mantis exotic.
  • Fixed issue where other players on the League leaderboards would show your own SHD level and point distribution.
  • Fixed misaligned elbow pads when using specific apparel items.
  • Fixed issue where The Summit matchmaking tab is not grayed out for groups containing level 30 agents.
  • Fixed issue where the audio queue doesn’t trigger when killing the last enemy on floor 100 in The Summit.
  • Fixed the Symptom Aggravator” talent description.

*with the February 2nd maintenance & Title Update 12.1
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link

  • Fixed issue where gear sets would not correctly display which talents were required to be active for their chest and backpack talents to activate.
  • Fixed issue where Rigger would sometime refresh Tend and Befriend incorrectly.
  • Fixed issue where Memento Kill Confirmed drops could come from friendly skills.
  • Fixed an issue where Memento buffs could last beyond death. Which was both grim and ironic.
  • Fixed issue where directives in the LZ could multiply experience earned in the DZ.
  • Fixed and issue where Legendary Black Tusk would not count as "Black Tusk" for objectives in Leagues and Summit Challenges.
  • Removed objectives for the Skill Demotions Summit Challenge which referred to the Firestarter Chem Launcher and the Shrapnel Trap. The objectives were misbehaving and have been put in timeout.
  • Fixed issue where Vanguard and Perfect Vanguard granted their invulnerability to allies.
  • Fixed issue where Summit Combat Merit Commendation would display unusually in the Commendations menu.
  • Fixed issue where Merciless and Ruthless exotics would trigger a cosmetic explosion on the seventh stack in addition to really exploding on the first shot after.
  • Fixed issue where Decoy Skill would not refresh correctly if it was deployed when getting a headshot kill with the Mantis exotic.
  • Fixed issue where other players on the League leaderboards would show your own SHD level and point distribution.
  • Fixed misaligned elbow pads when using specific apparel items.
  • Fixed issue where The Summit matchmaking tab is not grayed out for groups containing level 30 agents.
  • Fixed issue where the audio queue doesn’t trigger when killing the last enemy on floor 100 in The Summit.
  • Fixed the Symptom Aggravator” talent description.

*with the February 2nd maintenance & Title Update 12.1