Original Post — Direct link
For bounties in the East Mall that use the Museum of Native people location, there is a bug where the rope in the elevator to go to the roof does not drop/appear making it impossible to do the bounty. This happens to me a lot. I have to logout or restart to reset the bounty and attempt again. Usually with no luck. The rope does appear sometimes but it is becoming increasingly frustrating to have to continue to attempt just in hopes the rope appears.

Not sure if this has been reported before or if anyone has found a fix for this.

Edit: The work around I've found for this is to logout and back in to reset the bounty. While standing near the museum of native people activate the bounty. The game should then use a different location for the bounty which allows you to complete it.
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link
I'm sorry to hear that you have experienced this issue.

Are you able to provide a video?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Houck - Direct link
Hi iOmniversal!

Thanks for this report with the information and videos.

I have passed them along to The Division 2 team to investigate.

over 4 years ago - Ubi-Houck - Direct link
Thanks for these additional reports. Did the workaround Trax-Douglas mention help?
