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If I may comment on a post that was locked already. This is a pretty dear subject to me coming from a player with disabilities. I have lost roughly 60% use of one arm and 30% in the other. My grind is exhausting and very painful. Seizures, Meige Syndrome combined with CRPS is part of my disability. Using keyboard and mouse is near impossible for me since keeping my arm up on a desk or being able to control the keys for any extended period of time is near impossible. I have spent hundreds on devices for players with impairments. So I switch between a one-handed controller to xbox model by razer.

I may have a total of 1 kill in the DZ and believe me when I tell you, I have zero advantage over a younger or even older player who uses K&M. I can barely fight Heroic Hunters, Black Tusk, etc. Aim-assist depending on the game can be outright horrific. The cursor leads the target, will try and focus on something I don't want to shoot at. I might even have this turned off on TD2, will need to check. Regardless, this seems like the least important thing to fix with cheaters who go invisible, people using cheats in Countdown with no concern that others will see it on a large scale.

I have a ton of games that are unable to me on PC since they don't have controller support. I will message the company via email and ask if support will ever come. If yes, awesome. If no, then perhaps one day and I'll go try and find another game. That being said, to ask for something that would eliminate a load of players who want the perfomance and etc from a pc, never played K&M before, have disabilities and so on is a bit narrow minded. You don't punish the majority because of an absolute minority that will always find exploits.

A federal judge once said "Punishing millions of law-abiding citizens because of the acts of a few thousand criminals doesn't make a single piece of sense"

That's all. Thanks for listening to a super minority. I personally just want to be left alone and enjoy a game without a few people making things more difficult for others.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Greybeard - Direct link

Hey @chacachaca13 !

Thanks for posting this! It's good to take into account the opinion of a person with disabilities when it comes to discussing certain features (or their removal) that would seriously affect their experience.

At Ubisoft, we do take accessibility very seriously, and removing accessibility features, or features that make our games more accessible (even if they weren't necessarily implemented with accessibility as their focus) is not something we're likely to consider. If there are exploits, the focus is to fix those, rather than removing the thing that players might be exploiting.

We are also always open to accessibility requests (for new features) and suggestions about how to improve existing ones, to make your gaming experience even more pleasant, so if you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to post them either here on the forums, or even directly to our Support via a ticket!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thanks for getting back to us and sharing more feedback on how the game can be made more accessible for you @chacachaca13, I'm sorry these elements have been impacting your gameplay experience to begin with.

I've raised both the laser flickering and quick interactions to the team as accessibility feedback so they can look into them as something to improve going forward.

Should we hear anything more on this, we'll let you know and of course if there's anything else you'd like to share or feel could be better, please let us know!