over 4 years
ago -
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Please Note: This list is not exhaustive and may not include all issues present in the current build.
Title Update 12
Title Update 11
The Summit
Season 3
Title Update 12
- When purchasing Apparel Cache keys, the number on the screen displays the ones currently owned instead of the ones about to be purchased.
- "Tend and Befriend" 4 pieces bonus is not calculated from the current skill tier damage.
- When equipping the Hawk Face Mask, parts of the agent’s face can clip through it.
- The 4-piece bonus for the Rigger gearset, Tend and Befriend, can sometimes be refreshed.
- When active, Tend and Befriend incorrectly displays the same icon as Kinetic Momentum.
Title Update 11
- The Total Discharge's Pulse along with the exposure icons do not show when performing a cover-to-cover action near hostiles.
- The "Combat Booster" talent buffs from the "Memento" exotic backpack will not trigger if a combat booster was picked up without the backpack equipped.
- Global directives don't work if the session owner disconnects, the new party leader starts a mission with directives and after they give the lead back to the session owner to set the directives globally.
- The player remains behind the shutter door if he rolls backwards when the "Gather with your team" timer reaches zero.
- Loot tables are incorrect for containers in Legendary missions.
- The Memento's long-term buff disappears and will not reappear again after reaching max stacks.
- This is a UI bug, the buff is still active, but is not reflected on the UI.
- After Gray is killed, any Shield Militia NPCs that are not dead stand around and become unresponsive.
- Loot cannot be found after the player signs out/in or quits the game during the "prevent furnace explosion" timer after the boss is killed.
- Raid level doesn't change if a Level 40 player joins a session where all agents are Level 30.
- The train's cannon will disappear if the Raid group quits during Captain Freiser encounter.
- The doors close in front of the agent if they step out of the room in the last moment during the "Wait for the other agents" timer.
The Summit
- The lighting in certain areas of the Summit is too dark.
- The UI does not update when the player gets disconnected and respawn at the start of the section he was playing in The Summit.
- Doors sometimes do not open while players stay idle during the whole encounter at certain locations.
- Players can drop down from a ledge and get stuck between the floors of the elevator at certain locations.
- Players can remain stuck inside a Server Rack when dropping down from it while moving backwards at certain locations.
Season 3
- Deployed skills becoming invisible.
- Players equipped mods are unexpectedly changing attribute or function.
- The Depart button does not work properly after killing Bardon Schaeffer when playing solo.