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Why can't I see so many reported bugs in the known issues board?
Here in the forum there are countless threads with reported bugs, some of which are years old, which do not even appear as known in the board.
Examples are the True Patriot set bug or the fragile armor bug. These are just two bugs I reported personally.
There are others: Visually bugs with many weapons and their attachments. Dread Edict still missing it's attachments.
And many many more.

I mean, if you guys see yourself unable to fix these bugs, it would be annoying for us, but at least: Let us know this! Don't be scared to talk to us.
It's just ridiculous that you ask your players to report bugs and when we do it, all we hear from you is that you investigate and then that's it. No further reports. No "we know about it but we don't do anything about it" but just ghosting.

There are only 3, in words THREE bugs in the "reported" section of the known issues board. I could easily put ten points more on this list by scrolling 1 minute or 2 through the forums.

I recognized the board itself as a start of clear and open communication between you, the devs, and us, your players who really care.
But for know it's just another proof how little you care about us. It would be such a great start, when you would begin to recognise our work in bughunting, by putting those bugs on the reported list.

Please, don't let us alone out here in the dark.


almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link


Any known issues lists aren't managed by the Support team unfortunately but we can assure you that when we say something is a known issue, that means we have got a bug report created and sent to the dev team that isn't on a public channel.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Pegasus - Direct link

Hey there @Kabal81

I appreciate your input and feedback on this, and have passed that forward. 🙂

In regard to your question on the Discord channel, here's a link: (https://discord.gg/ubisoftofficial) to our official Discord channel if you'd like to join.

If you have any more questions or concerns at all, feel free to let us know!

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Nova - Direct link

Hey @Kabal81,

During the transitional period from Discussions to Discord, we should be making further adjustments, to the Discord channel, to further accommodate games that were supported on Discussions, but not on Discord.

If there's anything else we can assist with, let us know.