After 16.1 update I noticed that in store some items from same apparel is available to by for textiles and rest is not. That wasn't case before textile bug. Is it intensional change or bug?
In this case I can buy for textiles only 2 items of 5.
After 16.1 update I noticed that in store some items from same apparel is available to by for textiles and rest is not. That wasn't case before textile bug. Is it intensional change or bug?
In this case I can buy for textiles only 2 items of 5.
@dareios__ Hi !
I've taken note of your screenshots along with the information provided about the Issue with the Textile purchases in the Store.
Your report has been forwarded to the relevant Team for investigation, and we wanted to thank you for it !
In the meantime, if you have questions, or for any other Issue, don't hesitate to reach out !
Update : your duplicate message about the Issue has been deleted, in order to bring the best possible visibility to this thread.
Hey there @Status_GHOST
As we announced in the previous patch via the News and Announcements section of the forum, many items were made unavailable for purchase with textiles credits due to an issue that caused the game to deduct premium credits instead.
There is no answer to the original question, as that answer will need to come through an announcement from the game developers and bug fixing team. Please keep an eye on News and Announcements for any updates about this issue.