Original Post — Direct link
Apparently, I've just bought the game ultimate edition of the game but the problem is I already play the game with ubisoft+ for about 3 hours. Now my library only shows the ubisoft+ one not the one I've bought
almost 4 years ago - UbiStorm - Direct link
Hey there! I'm sorry to see that you're unable to find your purchased copy of the game in your library! It's possible that the game is just hidden, so I recommend giving these steps here a try to see if you can unhide the game. If that doesn't seem to work, could you run the Ubisoft Connect app in admin. mode?
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
Thanks for getting back to us, @ EastLaosEmpire.

If you're still experiencing this issue, please reach out to us via Twitter or Facebook, so we can look into this for you.