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I've noticed a huge frame rate drops while fighting with mounted enemies in Siege of Paris DLS.
Is not noticeable while fighting with only one, but when 2 horsman or 3 charging you at the same time - then frame drops apears.
As more enemies do this at the same time at the same time, the greater the problem became.

Cannot record video to proof of right now, but i will try in the future.
If anyone notice same problem - report here please.

almost 3 years ago - UbiStorm - Direct link

Hello @olmergrey ! A video is always welcome and appreciated when it comes to technical issues such as these. Do you happen to notice if these frame drops appear to happen outside of the new area introduced in The Siege of Paris? I also highly recommend running through these basic PC troubleshooting steps to see if those frames steady out and stop dropping on you! Please let me know how it goes!

almost 3 years ago - UbiStorm - Direct link

Hello @olmergrey ! A video is always welcome and appreciated when it comes to technical issues such as these. Do you happen to notice if these frame drops appear to happen outside of the new area introduced in The Siege of Paris? I also highly recommend running through these basic PC troubleshooting steps to see if those frames steady out and stop dropping on you! Please let me know how it goes!