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I am having this weird bug where deconstructing 1 item can take mutiple items with it (right click>deconstruct from the inventory menu). I lost 20 weapons for dismantling 1 weapon just now... lost named & exotics & all smgs

I had this happen to me twice and it is quite concerning
I put alot of time into my loot only for it to go away like that 😞

And no I did not choose or highlight multiple items when deconstructing, in both cases I only intended for 1

Is there anyway to reverse my save to the last 5 minutes?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-oof - Direct link

Hi there @XUSFX, thank you for sending this in! I'm sorry to hear that you lost a considerable amount of weapons due to this issue. While we're unable to restore any save progress or in-game items, we would still like to look into this further and make sure it gets reported if it hasn't been already. If you're willing to, we would greatly appreciate it if you could provide us with a short video clip of this occurring as it would tremendously help with our investigation. In the meantime, you should also be able to mark individual items as junk and then deconstruct them that way as a temporary workaround. Thank you!🐙

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Gabriel-Knight

You are right in that we would need a video to get that particular issue reported up. If you do end up playing any time soon and can find the time to record one, you can use the Xbox Game toolbar to do so, assuming you play on PC!

If you play on console, your console's media sharing feature will have the ability to record the video for you.

Either way, please get the video uploaded to YouTube for me if you have time to record one.