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Not sure what caused this but in the middle of a mission my skills suddenly stopped working. The shield skill locked itself and I lost the ability to change or use any skill in either slot.

almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Shikallum - Direct link

Thanks for getting in touch.

We've seen another report of this, when you change your loadout, are you able to change the skill?
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Shikallum - Direct link
Okay thanks for updating me, again, we are still looking into this on our end!
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
Thanks for reaching out to us, Seth_Rich_1776.

Are you able to provide us with a video that I can forward on to the team?
over 3 years ago - UbiSushiVamp - Direct link
Thank you for the update and the information! I am sorry that your shield is getting stuck, but I am happy to hear that this is resolved for you after the auto reset.