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Minor things, but it would be nice if you could fix it in the next TU. (current version: TU14)

Exo wall: The last two exotic weapon is missing in the NY exo wall (Scorpio, Capacitor). All precious ones were added later, but not these.
Image from current wall: https://imgur.com/a/cnhdxbg

Summit Combat Master Merit: I completed it in the first week when it was released, but I still can't claim it. It always remain in the unclaimed section.
Image: https://imgur.com/a/Y4Anr8m

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Dino - Direct link

Hi @ermi91,

Thanks for reporting these two issues you encountered in The Division 2. For the exotics wall, our team is looking into similar reports from other players. I'd like to get your report for the two missing weapons shared with the team, but I'll first need to know if you're playing on an Xbox console or not. If you are, please clarify which model.

For the Summit Combat Master Merit issue, has it tracked your progress, or is that also not updating properly?

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link

@ermi91 Hey! Thank you for reporting this to us. Would you be able to share an image showing this please?

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link

@ermi91 Thank you for getting back to us with the images, these are perfect.

Does the progress track for the Combat Master Merit or does it show one of the requirements as not being met but it is simply not tracking?

I ask as there is an ongoing issue with the Combat Master Merit progress not tracking.

Thank you.