Original Post — Direct link
SO What is the deal!?!? Got charged, but Epic store forces you to login to Ubi Store, but my game is no where to be found!?!?!?

HELP! Why is this so complicated.....
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link
Originally Posted by EssexBlues
Have tyo agree, it is an endless loop. Many reports on Redditt, and no real answer to resolve it. Even UBI dont seem to be able to resolve it either, according to forums?
I bought 3 Black Friday Deals 2 other downlaods worked inc server.. But not TD2?
I logged into my Epic and TD2 is sitting there with ' Ubisoft Account Required' . click that and your loop world.
I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues launching The Division 2.

I have checked your account and can see that you have successfully linked your Epic account to your Ubisoft account, therefore you should be able to launch the game.

If the issue persists I would recommend trying to unlink your Epic account from your Ubisoft account. You can do this by logging into your account management.

After you have done this try launching The Division 2 again from your Epic account and enter your Ubisoft account details when prompted.

If the issue persists please submit a support ticket and our Customer Support team will assist you further.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Houck - Direct link
Originally Posted by Rapidchaotic
Account Manage doesnt have an Epic Games link table to disable
Hi Rapidchaotic!

If you need assistance with linking or unlinking an Epic account, please contact us on Facebook or Twitter in a private/direct message. Alternatively, you can also create a support ticket.

Due to the age of this thread, I will close it.
