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So i completed the mission twice on story but when i kill parnell in the end it says to stop him escaping, there is no body
It shows it is 285 ft away but no way to get back out final area to seacrh body

I relogged and done mission again but same problem, Stop Parnell escaping keeps coming up even though he is dead and i collected loot from him

It seems the game is telling me his body is 180ft away behind the fence where the dz turret gets comprimised just before entering parnell area
there is no way i can get any intel or loot from him

i have also tried fast travel to safe house then back but still bugged
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link

Thanks for reporting this and thanks PapaPewpew for the image provided.

I'll forward this on to the team for investigation.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Hey guys,

I have chased this up with the team to see if we have any update.

We will be sure to provide the update once we have it
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Hey guys,

We have had an update from the team, they have been unable to reproduce this exact issue.

Would it be possible to link us a video showing this that the team can use to investigate?

Many thanks!