Heartbreaker Chest Piece
Unable to change the appearance/Transmog
Reported this back when TU 16 first dropped. Still unable to change the appearance and color of this chestpiece
Heartbreaker Chest Piece
Unable to change the appearance/Transmog
Reported this back when TU 16 first dropped. Still unable to change the appearance and color of this chestpiece
Hey there @chacachaca13 and @Shin_velcro
While this issue is not listed on the tracker currently, it is still being investigated. Out of a desire to make sure high priority issues are very visible, the tracker is sometimes cleaned up a bit to make sure they are visible without having to sort through dozens of issues in a list.
We do not currently have any additional information about the issues with dying the Heartbreaker chest, but as soon as we do, I will try to make sure this thread gets updated.
Hello @chacachaca13,
This is a legitimate question.
I have double-checked and yes, the knee pads are on the report as well.
Thank you for letting us know.