They Are Billions

They Are Billions Dev Tracker

31 May

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Fakedog: Hey guys, I read all the blogpost about the campaign development and from what I understood you are introducing new buildings, zombies, units, mechanics and biomes...

Is any of this stuff getting to the Survival? Will the survival be tweaked in some way at all? New maps maybe?

Anyway thanks for all the great work I can't wait for the campaign


Campaing Mode have much more content than the heroes, of course, this new content is totally unknown for you all. Just be patient and stay tunned. :P :P :P

There are 2 new kind of maps for Survival mode that has been already announced.


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Please, read my previous post and remake this same thread in the specific part of the forum made for it.


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Sriracha.King01: Thnx Gomez, I didnt read anything about the script I need though. I need the exact script or custom trigger or whatever it's called for if a unit dies, game ends. I think it is along the lines of


I have a "protagonist" for the custom game I'm making, if he does during the mission, the mission needs to end. Anyone know the script?

Hi again,

You first have to give an ID to the "protagonist" for example "Sam". After that you have to make an event and mark GameOver with the ID of Sam.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Had you switched on the option "Show Visible Alerts"?

That 2 different individual attacks happens at same/same time it's very specific event (Not talking if you are suffering the last horde) If all the other cases the warning system works really fine if you have the option "Show Visible Alerts" on.


30 May

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Sriracha.King01: Need help with scripts for map editor. like, if a unit dies, the game is lost. If this zombie is killed, game is won. If this building is destroyed, game is lost.


Check here please! --->>

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by chainivory: The game does not register a crash and give me the option to send you information.My log shows the save game as the last effort on this current crash. The game blinks out in mid game on a regular basis, and does the same on the load screen just as often. Ive checked my antivirus and the game is listed as allowed for connection. Im not techy and cannot find the installation folder to check for the out of date files but have reinstalled two days ago. I cannot post in the troubleshooting or bug reporting so I am posting here for some help.

First of all, @chainivory cannot you go inside this part of the forum? --->> Read more

29 May

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

In my opinion usually when i play a map know more or less where the biggest amount of resourcers are situated. And if i have to upgrade a building like a quarry or a farm i know where i have to go. But definetively is not a bad idea. I will bring it to the Dev team.

Thanks for your suggestion.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Next level!

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for your beautiful words. This kind of messages make us full of energy to keep working hard every day. Soon you will be able to enjoy the full game and we hope (and we are almost sure about it) you will enjoy it.

Best regards.

27 May

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by " __________________________": problem is in the title.

I've been having some random game freezes. all random never at the same time. and it only happeneds with this game. Does anyone have a clue as to why this might be happening?

some specs:

windows 10
16gb ram
ryzen 5 2600x
gtz 1070 sc
installed on my d drive. (hdd)


Maybe you could take a look at the Bug Reporting subforum. You can find a lot of threads talking about this kind of issues. Or if you want you can make a new thread there to be helped by the Dev Team.

Thanks in advan... Read more
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ralfsolo: Hello, if you need help for the French Translation I'm here , already worked on 2 zombie games. :D


First of all thanks for your offer though we have our own tranlators team. But we encourage you to help us playing the game when we release full version (Very soon) and report all the issues and language mistakes you detect.

Thanks a lot.

Kind regards.

22 May

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by MadFrog: Hello, I bought TaB a couple years ago and it played perfectly fine. Today I went to play it after taking a break for about a year and found it to be unplayable. Basically, when I open up the game, it loads the opening menu. If I click on anything in this menu, then the game freezes for about 2 minutes before loading what I clicked on. I haven't gotten to the point where I've actually got into the game yet. So far I have uninstalled and re-installed TaB, and even tried installing it on a different drive in my computer. I have over 200 steam games and this issue does not happen on any other game but TaB. Any suggestions?


Could you please make a similar thread to this in the proper part of the forum? Check here ---> ... Read more

21 May

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Valar Morghulis:
Originally posted by andrewbh2003: except you can?

How? It won't let me change it?


Did you find the option to change your controls?

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Pikey:
Originally posted by Gomez:

Iron walls are not able to be built and will not be able to be bulidt in the future. Stone walls are more than enough to defend your colony.

We are not going to take in count the other non-sense words you wrote.


Terrible attitude towards your customer base. Par for the course on this board.


Where is the terrible attitude? Just because... Read more
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

@cellanj if the game crashes, try to copy the lines in your log file. But only if crashes, not if freezes.


20 May

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Check this thread, maybe it can help you.


17 May

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lorca:
Originally posted by Sajonji:
When you go to OPs profile, they state they are an author from that website. This is just cheap traffic generation to their website.

I see. And the author of that article is named Madison Gomez. Funny, the dev or administrator of the TAB forums is named Gomez. ^^


For sure she is not from my family. Im from Spain... Madison is not a common first name here.


14 May

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

I cannot undertand you fine, could you explain your problem in other way?

Thanks in advance.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Paul Anthony: Just purchased the game, have no idea how to play it..
Is there an actual tutorial or story mode? :(


There is not an specific tutorial about how to play but every unit, building have a complete description that can guide you to undertand how to use. Anyway in this forum you can find a lot of good threads with nice tips for beginners.
