They Are Billions

They Are Billions Dev Tracker

13 May

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by cellanj: when you get a awesome map can almost turtle on day 25 and still survive the last wave but it keeps crashing just after the second wave comes through, frustrated is not the word

I'll try to help you, check the thread you did in the Bug Reporting subforum please!


07 May

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ERAGON: Hello. Can I translate your manual into Russian, point you as the original authors and publish it on Steam?

You can do it if you want! Thanks.

Best regards.
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

You are amazing guys! That was fun.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by WiseChimp: My game selects my secondary display, which makes it literally unplayable as it is the one further away and off-centre in my set-up.

I also can't play it in window mode since you can't drag the window upwards (but that's a *new* bug, because it's not like numantian to leave a bug unfixed for years /s)


have you checked what @amordron and @HeadStrikeR ! said? Probably those steps can solve your issue.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by HeadStrikeR !: Personally i was always hoping for an rng map generation in missions similar to XCOM, where every new mission is a surprise and only certain story missions have a fixed layout. If all maps you play are fixed, with only random "elements" wouldn't that hurt the replayability quite a bit?

For sure not because you have a big tech tree that can make every time you play the campaign totally differente depending on what techs do you improve.


06 May

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Daryl Dixon: the maps are gonna be randomized or fixed? any infos?


Maps will be Fixed with some random elements.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

If you are talking about the Map Editor, please, check the official guide.

Check here --->>


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by hawk_reaper: I notice you can get advanced structures for every resource except wood production?
advanced mill
advanced quarry
why not advanced woodmill??


Dev team thinks that an advance sawmill is not really necesary. Anyway, in campaign mode you will be able to learn a technology that help you to increase your wood production.


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by True Coverage: ^


Iron walls are not able to be built and will not be able to be bulidt in the future. Stone walls are more than enough to defend your colony.

We are not going to take in count the other non-sense words you wrote.



03 May

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

This suggestion has already give by other users. Space management is important part of the game mechanic, so this suggestion cannot be accepted.

Thanks for your time.

Best regards.

29 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A zombie village near your colony is more a benefit than a problem. Managing it with ballistas and a few bunch of militar untis will give you a big chunk of resourcers.


26 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
And the Campaign Mode that will be released soon will add a lot of playable hours to the game! Don't forget that!

Best regards!

25 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Sm0g: Thx for the anwnser but why this need so long to fix and relase the fix this should be fast for me is the game not playable like this right now


We try to fix all the issues as soon as possible. If this issue is not fixed yet is because it's difficult to fix or even it's difficult to find the origin of it. Please, in order to keep a clearer forum the following of this issue will be in the thread i give you previously.



24 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Sm0g: Ok i made a video for u too see it and a screen and the log files

I hope this will help u and after me


I have watched your video and your issue is related to drag your mouse selecting units. So please, check this thread. --->> Read more

22 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Please, could you open the same thread in Bug Reporting subforum and add some screenshots or video about the issue?

Thanks in advance.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

We should order a little this thread because i think you are talking about different issues in the same thread and this is a mess. Please, pay attention and answer my questions exactly and quoting it.

Thanks in advance.

Originally posted by Unicorn83: it crashes about every 30 days

Please, if you have this crash check what i said before:

Originally posted by Gomez: Hello,

Your log file seems totally normal. Could you check if y...
Read more

17 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Your log file seems totally normal. Could you check if you have any kind of real time scanner from your antivirus? You should check also your antivirus or firewall Windows Defender includes because maybe they can be blocking the game.


15 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Lo primero de todo agradecerte tus palabras de apoyo y agradecimento. Las imágenes que ponemos en los "updates" están en español porque como somos un estudio español pues en un primer momento la versión está es este idioma. Como es normal, es nuestra lengua materna y se no es más fácil trabajar así y luego a posteriori que los traductores no sólo ingleses, sino del resto de idiomas, ya hagan la traducción.

Es cierto que es un mundo en el que el inglés es el estandar, pero pasa en cualquier industria, es el idioma de referencia en todo el mundo y hay que trabajar antes o después en esa versión como la principal. Aún así de un tiempo a esta parte está surgiendo en la industria del videojuegos muchos estudios españoles que están haciendo grandes trabajos y poniendo a España dentro del mapa del mundo del videojuego. Esperemos que la cosa siga así y esta industria se haga fuerte en nuestro país, seguro que eso nos beneficia a todos.

Un cordial salud... Read more

12 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Crusader: Just played the 50 day challenge. Had a double stone wall and seriously, it went down in 10 seconds or so. There were a ton of chubbys, do they extra damage to walls?


Chubby zombies don't make more damage to the wall, they just are quite stronger than other zombies. I mean, this kind of special zombie does not have any kind of extra damage on wall.

