almost 2 years ago - Achilles - Direct link
What will the price of Town of Salem 2 be?
Town of Salem 2 will be a $10 game. Being a free-to-play game requires developers to devote a lot of time on things that aren't improving the game such as micro-transactions, anti-botting measures or a never ending battle against abusive players on VPNs. Our goal is to have a happy and healthy community of players and to spend our time focusing on ways to improve the game and adding new features. Being a paid game aligns the goals of the developers with the wants of the community.

Data Security
Town of Salem 2 will not require emails or passwords. We are only using the Steam Auth API for accounts and will not be storing sensitive information in our database.

Role Balance
There are a lot of concerns around role balance. Rest assured that balance will be an ongoing process and we will continue to work with the community to get roles into a balanced and fun state. The closed alpha discord has been incredibly helpful for providing feedback.

What will happen to ToS1?
Town of Salem 1 will continue running. They will be two separate games and given how different the roles are we expect there to always be demand for the experience of Town of Salem 1. We hope that with the launch of ToS2 we are able to introduce new players to both games and they can co-exist with a healthy user base for each game.

What happened to the Mafia?
The Mafia was merged into the Coven. Almost all of the Mafia game mechanics are still in Town of Salem 2. For example Framer and Forger have been merged into one role, the Enchanter. The Jinx is the old Ambusher. The Voodoo Master is the old Blackmailer. The Coven Leader replaced the Godfather + Mafioso. Hypnotist was removed entirely but a new game mechanic replaced it with the Dreamweaver. The Coven uses the Necronomicon to grant killing power which allows Coven roles to retain their roles unique powers instead of being converted into a Mafioso. The Necronomicon has a priority ordering in how it is passed down so there is more control and balance. Additionally all Coven roles are unique so there are no situations where a game has 3 of the same mafia roles in it.

Statistics: Posted by Achilles — Tue Apr 25, 2023 7:07 pm