almost 2 years ago - shapesifter13 - Direct link
Town of Salem 2 is now available for Early Access on Steam! Pick it up now for 10% off!: ... f_Salem_2/

The Coven has come seeking retribution against the Town! Little do they know what else lies in the dark shadows of Salem. Death, War, Famine, and Pestilence linger on the horizon.

Can you survive the Town of Salem?

Many roles have received reworks or tweaks. New roles break the metas of old by introducing new and interesting mechanics such as day kills! Beware the deadly new Apocalypse faction bring the horsemen Death, Famine, and War to Salem to fight alongside their fellow horsemen Pestilence!

Explore Salem in new ways with free movement during the lobbies, at night, and as a ghost.

Use new Cursed scrolls to reduce your chance of getting or role.
Host a custom lobby with the ability to set games private or public, add game modifiers such as VIP or Town Traitor, or ban roles from appearing in your game!

An enhanced chat experience with the ability to tag players highlighting the chat for them. Mention roles that can be clicked to open up that role's rolecard. Mention keywords for different abilities or actions that can be clicked to explain what they are. Players will also be able to change chat fonts, toggle icons in chat and even change the text size!

Statistics: Posted by shapesifter13 — Fri May 26, 2023 1:03 pm