almost 9 years ago - BlankMediaGames - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hey guys Josh here at the town of Salem
2s booth we're just getting set up we have
5s a lake over there
7s Jacob our QA lead and our community
11s manager Brandon here and yeah we're just
13s getting things going here's our
23s community manager hardy word of course
28s the blank media games booth here we are
31s at indy popcon you're just getting ready
34s to start everyone waiting in the line
40s we have Jacob and Brandon here given the
43s pitch to people at indy popcon and the
46s Thomas Salem Booth
49s a lot of traffic a lot of people here
51s with awesome cosplay
53s having a good time
69s you're on camera here
120s yes I should get someone actually
121s talking to people
130s we're here at indy popcon with sarah and
132s aaron in their awesome cosplays tell us
136s your favorite thing about the game makes
139s you question everything and really
141s either makes you feel like the smartest
142s first ever or the stupidest person in
144s the world