over 2 years ago - shapesifter13 - Direct link
Hey Townies,

Today we are releasing Town of Salem patch 3.3.8 for a new Ranked Season. We've consulted with a number of people from the ToS community to introduce a new Classic Ranked role list Ranked Season 6. You can play this new role list now. Offseason (ranked games not being counted toward your rank) will last a few days and then the season will start.

We're also releasing some new character skins; say hello to the Disguiser, Psychic, and Consigliere! With the release of these skins, we are converting some of the older skins which could only be purchased with Town Points to now be purchasable with Merit Points as well.

Additionally, the community (shoutout to ShadowDior and Tuba) has been working with our team to implement some wording and coloring improvements to a number of the feedback messages in chat, as well as a new feature to highlight lines in the chat which contain your player number.
The full list of changes can be found below. Happy Hanging!

New Features
New Disguiser, Psychic and Consigliere character skins are available for purchase in the Shop or to be awarded by the Cauldron.

• Coloring enhancements to some of the feedback messages.
• Wording improvements to some of the feedback messages.
• Highlighting of messages which contain your player number.

• Classic Ranked Role List:The new Classic Ranked Role List contains the following: Jailor, 2 Town Investigative, Town Protective, 5 Random Town, Godfather, Mafioso, Mafia Support, Random Mafia, Neutral Killing, and Neutral Evil.
• Extended Player Numbers will now be ON by default for new players. Extended Player Numbers can be turned on or off in the Settings dialog.
• iOS Supported Architectures:The armv7 architecture is no longer supported on iOS.
• Shop: The following cosmetics are now purchasable with Merit Points:
- Pets: Owl, Carrion, Ina Field, Super Doge, Spike.
- Maps: Army, Alien, Hero City, Heaven and Hell.
- Characters: Consort, Kitsune, Hypnotist, Hexmaster, Coven Leader, Mafioso, Shadow Wolf, Headsman, Stargal, Jack Frost, Plaguebearer.
- Houses: Mushroom Manor, Hall of Salem, Aquarium, One Man’s Trash, Spaceship, Sphinx.

Bug Fixes
• Classic Ticket System: Fixed an issue that could prevent the ticket from being consumed when playing a game using the ticket system.

Statistics: Posted by shapesifter13 — Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:26 pm