Original Post — Direct link
Maybe this is a common bug but im kind of lost here. When i hover over the Summer 2020 screen and select my club at the bottom i see everyone from my club ranked at the top right side. i even see myself under the top 5 clubmembers. but the game wont recognize me as one of the club members on the scoreboard. is there something about my settings? is this a bug? can someone help me solve this riddle?

cheers and thank you for your time.

over 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey guys,

Thanks for reaching out and bringing this up.

Just heads up - I've merged 2 of the threads regarding the same issue.

I can confirm that issue where Club owner times are not showing up in scoreboard has been forwarded to our game team and is under review.

In regards to the daily track's missing progress - this is one of the issue that also has been forwarded to our game team for further review, however we do not have any update at the moment.

I do apologise about the inconvenience this is causing and thank you for your patience in the meantime.