almost 4 years ago - softyBcKK - Direct link
Hello everyone,

Today marks the time where you will now be able to invite your friends and have fun together in a matchmaking match on Trackmania.

Indeed, we are now releasing the squadding feature for matchmaking exclusively allowing everyone to create a squad that can go up to 3 players and face other squads in intense matchmaking matches! In order to provide the best racing experience to everyone, you will only be able to invite players that has a -+1000 points difference from your rank, allowing fair and balanced matches. This number is subject to changes in the next weeks.

Once in the squadding menu, you will be able to see your friends that are currently playing Trackmania and invite them to your party.

As with any feature we have been releasing since the release of Trackmania in 2020, we will need your help to find out things that we might have missed and we count on you to report any bugs you will encounter regarding the squadding system in our forums.

Alongside the releasing of squadding, we are also pushing a few fixes and improvements with the following changelog:


+ Added back the VIP and followers opponent's choices in solo under the "More opponents" section. You can also select medals you have already beaten
+ We now display the "improve" button at the end race UI in solo when selecting "drive alone" instead of a medal
+ Fix a runtime error in the local server page
+ Improve the fetch of rankings in campaigns
+ Improve the UI of the creation of competition in clubs
+ Fix display of the administration link in the map review activity
+ Fix map thumbnail with UI, grey or black

Here is the list of known issues we are currently working on which might also get updated over time:

+ Other squad members' skins are not shown yet

Do not hesitate to share your best squadding moments with us on social media!
Thanks and see you on track