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Hello, I recently submitted my first royal map into map review. After some days I got the feedback from Nadeo but I cannot understand what they suggest, since it's not clear. I'd really love to understand precisely what their suggestions are so I can improve my map and submit again.
I'm attaching a picture of the feedback.
Waiting for some feedback on this, thanks in advance.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Clem - Direct link

Hello there @LolloTheMad ,

I would assume myself that the review means that the White and Blue part of the royal map you made is too hard to fill in the criteria.

Also, they apparently have encountered camera issues while playing the map. Whether it is when transitioning to a block to another, low roofs, going downhill...
Many reasons can be assumed. Unfortunately, the team goes through a lot of submission and are not able to provide very detailed feedback.

I hope I could help. If you need anything else, feel free to update the thread 😊