Original Post — Direct link
19.11.2020's Match 11's COTD was voted successfully to be restarted which resulted in a complete reset of the COTD.

Somebody also reported gaining trophies twice since he got KOd before the restart and also after the restart (unconfirmed by me).
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hi Anotherplayer42,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention about the reset of the track.. If you come across any other bugs with the Cup of the Day would you be able to post in this same thread, the date and issue with so we can see how often this occurring behaviour with our Cup of the Day?
We can gather more reports on this for the team to look into and keep it all in one place to show the frequency of issues and players effected.

Thanks again for your help and sorry for any frustration caused with this game mode.