Original Post — Direct link

Recently I've been unable to submit certain maps into the review server. When attempting to upload it will load for about 15 minutes before giving me the error code 0x00002EE2.
A few days ago, I went to upload one of the maps, decided to cancel it during the loading to upload another instead and since then, I can't upload either of the two maps at all.
I've tried reloading the game a few times. I even went as far as altering one of the maps. Re-validating/ saving the map. deleted the old version and it still will not let me upload the map to review. I contacted eyebo who's been trying to help resolve the issue. He managed to resave one of the maps as his own and was able to upload it. But after that i still cannot upload my own version of the map.
If there's anymore information i can provide to help come to a solution feel free to reach out to me!

Thank you!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hey @Oclavukixus!

Really sorry to hear you're having trouble uploading your maps!

Would you be able to provide an image of the error you're encountering for further review?

Please also try the following steps to confirm the games connection to your system is set up optimally, as this maybe causing the upload issue. If the issue persists after these steps, let us know! This helps us narrow down the cause of the issue.