Original Post — Direct link

The game is nearly unplayable for me. Everything is loading super slow. When I start a Solo match, online or clube match, it feels like the game is loading a gigabyte of data, before every step. I have to wait 3 Minutes, before the Track of the Day screen loading end. When I start a map and the map finishes loading, I have to wait 2 Minutes, before I can actually start driving.

Only local maps are possible.

I uninstalled the game. Removed the folder Documents\Trackmania and installed it again. Still the same issues!

No errors, it is just super slow or just not loading.

FYI, it was working before I upgraded my CPU, from Intel to AMD (3900X) .

Of course, all the latest drivers are installed. From BIOS to Chipset..

My internet connection is 50MB with a Ping of 15ms.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey coldfish01, thanks for reaching out and apologies about the delayed response.

Would you be able to advise since when did you notice this started happening?

Also, taking into consideration that you have a stable connection, I'd suggest you to try completing steps outlined in the following article, that will allow you to establish better connection to game servers.