Original Post — Direct link

Was just watching gameplay, when the banner changing caught my eye:
Few frames of difference (yeah pixelated, but you need to move camera ingame far and close to maybe see difference, idk I can't check ingame)
Very slight issue, but I've seen pop-ins like this that were more noticeable than others. Also, other CPs don't do this I assume?
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey DdariQ, thanks for reaching out and bringing this to our attention .

That's a very nice spot there, something I haven't really picked up before.

I can now confirm the details of the issue have been forwarded to our development team for further review.

Please note we very much appreciate your communication regarding the matter and should we we have any further information available, details will be posted here, in our official forums, so keep an eye!