Original Post — Direct link

I just started playing TM a few days ago but I'm about to quit already because of this stupid Ubisoft Connect disconnecting crap. I can't load ghosts and it won't save my progress to the cloud. I've tried closing and restarting Ubisoft Connect and launching the game from Ubisoft Connect directly but it still either never lets me load ghosts or it will eventually log me out of Ubisoft Connect due to "inactivity" WHILE IM PLAYING THE GAME FROM YOUR OWN LAUNCHER

When will you guys ACTUALLY fix this problem? I'm sick and tired of this already and if I can't get this issue fixed then I'm deleting the game and Ubisoft Connect and I'm never paying for another Ubisoft game as long as I live.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hi @SenorPuffPuff! Welcome to the forums and apologies for the delay getting to your post!

I'm really sorry to hear you've been having trouble with this issue, I understand it's incredibly frustrating.

I understand it isn't ideal, but I do want you to know that this issue has been reported and the team is investigating it! That said, I do not have a date for a resolution for this issue but I do have some steps that may help minimize the issue or workaround it for the time being.

Some players have reported that reinstalling Ubisoft Connect and running as admin has prevented the issue from reoccurring.

We've also had some players that had success with the following as a workaround!

Go to the file location found C Drive > Users > ( Your Account ) > AppData (Note: This may be hidden so you might have to unhide it.) > Local > Ubisoft Game Launcher. Once in there, try deleting both user.dat and settings.yaml