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Hi Nadeo,

I noticed when creating an item using an existing block in the map editor, it stores all the different parts in a lot of different layers.
This is very unpractical as it is hard to find a group of faces, you have to click through each layer to find it.
Also, if you want to edit the combination of layers, then you cannot merge layers, you have to cut and paste the faces from one layer to the other.

Before, in Maniaplanet, it was always only 1 layer which stores multiple groups of faces, identified by its color and separately able to select. This was very useful, but now this is basically unusable for people that like do modifications on the existing blocks or use them to create new stuff. It is quite annoying. I would like to see this conversion logic from existing block to item be changed to the behavior how it is in Maniaplanet.

In Trackmania (2020), you have a separate layer per group

In Maniaplanet (e.g. TM2 Stadium), everything is stored in the same layer, as different selectable groups which easily can be split in subgroups or merged together

Best regards,
over 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link
Glad to hear it's sorted Hope you continue to enjoy the game!