Original Post — Direct link

Hello there.

To start this topic addressing a few questions I'm sure many of you will have, here is a summary:

  1. Trackmania 2020 (and Trackmania² Stadium) have the same behaviour: the game will start. It will connect to online games (arcade servers, track of the day, Cup of the day, etc) with no problems. Whenever the game finishes (the countdown of the match reaches an end), I will not connect to a new match. This happens around 80% of the time, and the odds of me connecting to a new match with the server turning is increased if there are fewer players on the server.
  2. No other game, software, website, streaming service, communication tool (such as Teams or Google Met), or even university online classes malfunction at my PC with current networking configuration;
  3. Current Google speed test puts my network connection at 95Mbps DOWNLOAD and 79Mbps UPLOAD;
  4. I have tried, so far, the following "solutions, as proposed by the case 16966676 of Ubisoft official support:
    1. checking if offline mode is active (even though I have stated on my inicial claim that the game malfunctions during online matches;
    2. checking if proxy settings are taking place;
    3. checking for conflicts with other software, by inactivating everything prior to Windows startup;
    4. checking if ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) is active;
    5. fowarding the necessary ports for Ubisoft to have a direct connection to my PC (that is TCP and UDP: 2350-2450 and TCP 80 and 433);
    6. checking if I have any VPN software active, MS Windows or note;
    7. flushing my DNS and reseting my Windows "hosts" file;
    8. performing a clean boot, which is virtually the same as checking for conflicts with other software;
    9. reseting my modem to clear cached network information (I giggled at this one);
    10. checking for driver updates and DirectX and Microsoft .NET updates;
    11. fixing my IP, fowarding ports and sending all network info for them, which means I'm at a risk here, because random support staff have all my network information for them to do anything they want.
  5. I have uploaded thus far, 15 files with evidence that the problem is not with my setup, .nfo files, numerous screenshots, evidence of my network connection info, DxDiag files, and so on;
  6. Everytime the game fails to connect to a new match in any server, there is a two minute minimal timeout. This is particularly bad for Cup of The Day, because usually when the server sends the players for the pre-match warmup, there is a 02:30 second waiting time for connections. This means by the time I can connect again, after the timeout, the COTD has already started, and I'm out.
  7. There was never any attempt from Ubisoft to do assisted testing of any sort;
  8. Ubisoft never answers my questions, they only ask for useless evidence which they know is correct;
  9. The person responsible for the case changes with every interaction, and usually the new guy don't read the whole case, meaning that I have to constantly redo things I did previously;
  10. There is never an answer from Ubisoft after only one interaction. I have to answer serveral times the same ticket to force anyone to answer me with a rushed tutorial once again.

The opened case is THREE MONTHS OLD. So far, they didn't sent me any piece of information that is remotelly close to individualizated. All they did in three months was sending cutouts of tutorials they have available at the support page for the game. Even though they have a dangerous amount of information about my PC and my networking configuration, they do not have any piece of advice concerning my case, only general tips.

That said, I ask your help players:

  1. Do you believe I have any regulatory costumer protection service I can approach?
  2. Do you have any advice of how to deal with Ubisoft Support so that I have actual relevant help?
  3. Do you believe I'm entitled to a reimbursement of the game, since I can't play it?

Any tip you provide me will be an amazing help. Thank you fellow players.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hello @Michalzeszen,

Thank you for reaching out, apologies to hear you're experiencing connectivity issues when playing.

In regards to any connectivity issues, please understand that we have zero visibility over any one individual player's server / network connection.

As such, we must conduct troubleshooting with players to rule out any possible local causes. This is in no way us placing the blame with you or your setup and is more a core element of our investigative work.

We appreciate this can be repetitive, cumbersome and frustrating, however it is key in allowing us to rule out other causes while also collating this information so the game team can investigate further. As this isn't a widespread noted issue, we need to do what we can to see if we can pin a possible cause or ensure relevant steps have been exhausted so the team know what other routes to follow.

Our case system works in a manner that does mean you will speak with multiple agents. I apologise that this has resulted in you having to repeat certain steps and this will be fed back. Further to this though, our Email service is not live, so we kindly ask for your patience between responses and to refrain from bumping your ticket. You are not being ignored and we will respond as soon as we can. Bumping cases will not result in a quicker response as our teams do what they can to get back to all players.

We cannot advise you on any regulatory advise, as it is your own right to seek any legal council.

In regards to refunds - as Trackmania is a free title with a subscription service, as per our Store Policy, subscriptions cannot be refunded after 14 days of active use.

We do however kindly ask for your patience while we get back to your case and we will continue to do what we can to get you back up and running in-game.

Thank you for your understanding with this matter and if you have any further questions for us here, please let us know.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hello @Michalzeszen,

We appreciate that this is a very frustrating situation and we haven't yet been able to get you and running and apologise for the delays to this, but as per my previous response, we request these details for investigative purposes and so the game team have the necessary details they need to conduct their work.

During these times, as difficult as they may be, we kindly ask that discussions are kept constructive and civil.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @Michalzeszen,

Thanks for your response.

Apologies for the delays in your case's response. As I can see we've already advised, we are experiencing higher than normal levels of contacts resulting in delays - your case has not been actively ignored.

I can also see the last update the case being raised to the game team for further investigation.

In this instance, I have updated the case myself and messaged you with the team's response.

Please kindly get back to us via your case when you're next available as well as direct any further queries in regards to this issue there.

Thank you.