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I have a Dualshock 4 Controller. Even though my R2 Trigger is bound to accelerate (analog) it does nothing when i press it. My game even recognizes it when I change binds or when I go to the club menu with R2 on the main menu screen but it doesnt accelerate. Even better when I bind R2 to accelerate (not analog) it accelerates whenever I don't press R2 meaning I stop accelerating when I press R2. My controller worked fine before and it still works perfectly fine in other games like Rocket League. Haven't found a fix yet.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey there @TheFlyingTaco0 , thanks for reaching out. I understand you've found your analogue triggers on a Dual Shock 4 to not be supporting varying levels of acceleration.

This is by design - acceleration in Trackmania is always a digital, binary on or off. My apologies for any disappointment over this! Let me know if you've any further thoughts or questions. I hope you've otherwise been enjoying the game 🙂