The bug is simple : I can't see the ghost from the records list on the left of the screen. I click on the little eye to activate a ghost but nothing show up.
I start the race, I can see during 1 frame the names of the players names (that I have selected) on top of my car. 1 frame, then it disappear.
Same thing when I choose to play against player from my region (right after I choose the race in the campaign).
I can see the other player when I play with them online. But if I want to play against record's ghost, I can't.
This bug appears since 2 or 3 months. If I want to learn the lines in a race, I have to go on Youtube currently
Is there something I can to to fix it ?
I already tried to uninstal, or to check the files.
The bug is simple : I can't see the ghost from the records list on the left of the screen. I click on the little eye to activate a ghost but nothing show up.
I start the race, I can see during 1 frame the names of the players names (that I have selected) on top of my car. 1 frame, then it disappear.
Same thing when I choose to play against player from my region (right after I choose the race in the campaign).
I can see the other player when I play with them online. But if I want to play against record's ghost, I can't.
This bug appears since 2 or 3 months. If I want to learn the lines in a race, I have to go on Youtube currently
Is there something I can to to fix it ?
I already tried to uninstal, or to check the files.