Hi everyone!
Updating the game from 08/09/2022 brought several problems to my dedicated server.
1. The status remained green for all players coming to the server (screenshot not saved). Restarting the server did not help, but replacing the file (/packs/Trackmania.Title.Pack.gbx) with a file from the folder with the installed game helped.
2. Something wrong with displaying my ghost's name
3. Some new maps do not start, just turn on the following. For example, this: (https://trackmania.exchange/maps/view/74770) and this: (https://trackmania.exchange/maps/view/74755). In the logs, the following information:
[2022/09/11 11:01:51] [egigqRwIQo21oxB7gpMKMg ($z$o$w$i$80Fl๏l-mini.r$A4Fә$C8Fl$DBFa$FFFx$z)] $z$s$fff»» $ff0Admin $fffSokol.TM$z$s$ff0 has skipped to the next map.
[2022/09/11 11:01:51] [egigqRwIQo21oxB7gpMKMg ($z$o$w$i$80Fl๏l-mini.r$A4Fә$C8Fl$DBFa$FFFx$z)] $z$s$fff»» $fa0The next map will be $fffBugslideR #31$z$s$fa0 as requested by $fffSokol.TM$z$s$fa0.
[2022/09/11 11:02:22] Loading map TMNEXT-43479.Map.Gbx (qbrVsDU3RpKyt0SpMrxuqWaSmZf)...
[2022/09/11 11:01:56] ...ERROR: Load failed. File corrupted?
[2022/09/11 11:02:22] ...ERROR: Load failed. File corrupted?
[2022/09/11 11:02:22] Loading map TMNEXT-43479.Map.Gbx (qbrVsDU3RpKyt0SpMrxuqWaSmZf)...
[2022/09/11 11:02:22] ...Load succeeds
The last dedicated server: (https://nadeo-download.cdn.ubi.com/trackmania/TrackmaniaServer_Latest.zip) from 24/06/22 is clearly time to update...