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A few days ago the textures in my game went haywire. I looked for help online and I found none. But I found a few other players who faced the same bugs.

We realized the we all were using amd machines. I assumed this was an issue on amd's side so I updated my drivers. The textures were seemingly fixed, but only in offline mode. When online they were't working properly.

At least I could play the game and it didn't bother me too much. But last night I tried to open the game and it won't start. It launches and I face a white screen. It then stays like that for a few seconds, then says (trackmania not responding), then closes. All my drivers are updated and the game did work for a few days so I think this is a problem from nadeo's side.

Yes I tried deleting and reinstalling the game, it didn't help. NADEO please respond. At least tell me you are working on it. I really just wanna play the game.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hey @Ivan_Jerkinov!

I'm really sorry to hear about this! I did see someone else report a similar issue but didn't mention AMD. I appreciate that bit of information!

I know you already reinstalled the game, so thank you for trying that. Could you also try clearing the Ubisoft Connect cache and reinstalling Ubisoft Connect for me? If the issue persists, let me know and we can get this reported up for further review.