Original Post — Direct link

Good day!
At the old support forum, I already asked such a question: (https://forums.ubisoft.com/showthread.php/2352838-Show-club-and-club-rooms-in-the-general-list?p=15509682&viewfull=1#post15509682), the answer did not suit me.
I do not understand why the list shows dozens of rooms in which there is no one and almost never there is anyone? At the same time, the rooms in which the players are located can only be seen using the search?
This is very uncomfortable and wrong. We demand that in the display of the lists of rooms there be logic similar to classical trackmania!

about 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hello @sokol-tm ,

Thank you for reaching out, as advised in the original thread - these featured clubs are selected by Nadeo.

We do not have the information regarding the frequency these are updated, but this will likely have something to do why some appear very quiet as they were likely a lot more active at the point of their selection.

Following your comments on the previous forums, these have been passed onto the team as feedback however we have no further information to share regarding this system or if any changes will be made.

In the meantime, players are still able to search for Clubs and you're more than welcome to use these forums to share your Club and attract other members of the community.

Thank you for your understanding and if there's anything more we can help with, please let us know.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @SokoJl

Thank you for getting back in touch.

I've merged your post with your original thread.

As below - the featured clubs are selected, we have no direct influence over this.

Your feedback continues to be passed on, but at this stage, no such changes have been announced.

If you have a Club you'd like to share with the community to gain more members, please consider sharing it via the Discussions as advised.

If there's anything further we can answer, please let us know.

Thank you!