Original Post — Direct link

I'd like to modify some of the new LightTubeSmall in Trackmania with the mesh modeler but contrary to classic blocks, clicking on an official decoration item will open an error message telling me "You can't edit this item because it belongs to the game library." Is there any way to edit them or get the 3D model exported and imported as custom block?

Thanks team!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hiya @Jilijou!

I'm sorry you're not able to modify the LightTubeSmall! I'm not seeing anything to confirm if this can be modified or not at this time. I'd like to take a closer look though! Could you provide a video for me where you try to modify the block and show the error message? And does the error happen regardless or where/how the block is being modified and on any map?

If you can upload a video to Youtube and link it here, we'll see if we can get confirmation if this is working as intended or not.