over 4 years
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We hope that everyone had a great summer break and a lot of fun on the tracks
We are back with a new update including new features and various bug fixes:
Before everything, an update on the trophies. We will now open the best ranks (World/Gold) and also award the Track of the day trophies retroactively in the upcoming days now that the rankings are cleaned.
+ Various netcode improvements
+ Fixed multiple personal best ghosts bug
+ We now display a timer before the upcoming Season "Fall 2020"
+ Added a new page to manage maps submitted to the map review server
+ Added a possibility to select and apply a skin through the "Garage"
+ Added multiple country skins and a default skin for other countries
+ Improved UI for the world records widget
+ Added the "Global VIP" option in the world records UI
+ Added a setting to force the world records UI display
+ Fixed a bug in world records where you could not see your record above 10000 rank
+ Added an end race menu to "Play a map"
+ New club activity: Competitions. This activity will allow every club to create and manage a competition alongside showcasing it in the "Events" section of the game. For now, this feature will be whitelist based, if you wish to be part of it, feel free to send a mail with a small description of your event here: competition-reques[at]nadeo.com
+ New club activity available: Rankings. You can display a leaderboard with your club members using either the official current campaign, or the official current daily map, or one of the club campaign
+ Improved the events UI from clubs
+ Improved UI for the creation of clubrooms
+ Added a new club creation UI
+ Added a new club personalization: the icon to display it in the "All clubs" list
+ Added a button to select the club to pin in the navigation
+ Added a link to the club directly in the clubrooms
+ Fixed navigation bugs in clubs
+ Fixed a bug where only 24 skins/maps could be displayed in skin uploads and map uploads club activities
+ Fixed "Edit campaign" issue in a club
+ Fixed the focus in the list of activities in Clubs is not showing with the mouse cursor
+ Fixed the crash when navigating in the members as an admin
+ Maximum amount of players in room creation is now set to 2 by default
+ Fixed Materials not being used properly in Map Editor after making an Item/Block
+ Added Brush snapping on the Middle Plane Helper
+ Fixed crash when initializing Material Lib
+ Map Item Embedding size went from 1MB to 2MB
+ Fixed an issue where the Camera would shake inconsistently
+ Fixed an issue where selecting an editing cut block for export was not working
+ Fixed a crash when trying to record a ghost
+ Added a possibility to click on an already selected key to jump back in time
+ AVI files should go up to 4GB now (Maximum size allowed by AVI)
+ Fixed the +/- keys for camera speed
+ Added L for Split, V for View block shortcuts
+ "Auto-zoom" on the timeline should be way less aggressive. Please use V to view a block whenever you need it.
Known issue : Launched respawn has a visual defect after the second respawn and the car is not transparent anymore, we're working on it and a fix we'll be live in the next days.
Thanks and have fun!
We hope that everyone had a great summer break and a lot of fun on the tracks
We are back with a new update including new features and various bug fixes:
Before everything, an update on the trophies. We will now open the best ranks (World/Gold) and also award the Track of the day trophies retroactively in the upcoming days now that the rankings are cleaned.
+ Various netcode improvements
+ Fixed multiple personal best ghosts bug
+ We now display a timer before the upcoming Season "Fall 2020"
+ Added a new page to manage maps submitted to the map review server
+ Added a possibility to select and apply a skin through the "Garage"
+ Added multiple country skins and a default skin for other countries
+ Improved UI for the world records widget
+ Added the "Global VIP" option in the world records UI
+ Added a setting to force the world records UI display
+ Fixed a bug in world records where you could not see your record above 10000 rank
+ Added an end race menu to "Play a map"
+ New club activity: Competitions. This activity will allow every club to create and manage a competition alongside showcasing it in the "Events" section of the game. For now, this feature will be whitelist based, if you wish to be part of it, feel free to send a mail with a small description of your event here: competition-reques[at]nadeo.com
+ New club activity available: Rankings. You can display a leaderboard with your club members using either the official current campaign, or the official current daily map, or one of the club campaign
+ Improved the events UI from clubs
+ Improved UI for the creation of clubrooms
+ Added a new club creation UI
+ Added a new club personalization: the icon to display it in the "All clubs" list
+ Added a button to select the club to pin in the navigation
+ Added a link to the club directly in the clubrooms
+ Fixed navigation bugs in clubs
+ Fixed a bug where only 24 skins/maps could be displayed in skin uploads and map uploads club activities
+ Fixed "Edit campaign" issue in a club
+ Fixed the focus in the list of activities in Clubs is not showing with the mouse cursor
+ Fixed the crash when navigating in the members as an admin
+ Maximum amount of players in room creation is now set to 2 by default
+ Fixed Materials not being used properly in Map Editor after making an Item/Block
+ Added Brush snapping on the Middle Plane Helper
+ Fixed crash when initializing Material Lib
+ Map Item Embedding size went from 1MB to 2MB
+ Fixed an issue where the Camera would shake inconsistently
+ Fixed an issue where selecting an editing cut block for export was not working
+ Fixed a crash when trying to record a ghost
+ Added a possibility to click on an already selected key to jump back in time
+ AVI files should go up to 4GB now (Maximum size allowed by AVI)
+ Fixed the +/- keys for camera speed
+ Added L for Split, V for View block shortcuts
+ "Auto-zoom" on the timeline should be way less aggressive. Please use V to view a block whenever you need it.
Known issue : Launched respawn has a visual defect after the second respawn and the car is not transparent anymore, we're working on it and a fix we'll be live in the next days.
Thanks and have fun!