Original Post — Direct link

Hello community, I would like to ask, if there is some new rule applied with some of latest updates regarding the medal history. I have figured out, that number of earne medals is decreasing on my Trackmania dashboard, it all starts somewhere from 5th of November 2022. Any idea how to get my medals back? My game is fully updated, always check update at start-up. Thank you, JYRY

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey @JYRY , thanks for asking about this! I'm not immediately sure what might be causing this - as far as I can tell, we've not made any changes which would lead to your medals disappearing.

I'd like to investigate this further. Can you go through the activities you've done and see if you can spot any specific medals which seem like you should have them? Screenshots showing that the medals are missing would be very helpful. Here's our screenshots guide to help with that, and the resulting images can be added to a response here in the forum thread using the little image icon above the post edit box.

Let me know if I can clarify this request at all!